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Are you wondering who !Observe Prime was created for? Here is a little information about the Target Audience for !Observe Prime Users
Target Audience (pdf)
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A: Go to your list of clients, and tap on "New", and a new client screen will pop up. Fill in details of your new client. Hit save and your new client now appears on the List of Clients screen.
A: After you tap on the client, you will notice that the sessions window is blank because this is your first session with this client. The Target behavior appears in the Target Behavior window. You have the ability to add new Target behaviors. Now that you are ready to begin observing, tap "New" button in the upper right-hand corner, designating that you are beginning a new session.
A: On the data entry screen. Your first decision is the length of the observation session. If you want to adjust the observation time you will use the "+" or the "-" signs.
A: On the data entry screen fill in the location where the observation will take place. !Observe Prime will automatically save the last location used for each client's target behavior. So the next time you setup an observation for this client, it will automatically show whatever you entered there.
A: During an observation, you enter data via two buttons. The Green/Yes Button indicates the Target behavior is present; the Red/No button indicates the Target behavior is not present. To begin an observation, you are required to indicate whether the behavior is present or not before hitting the Start button. You can stop or pause the observation at any time using the appropriate buttons.
A: Go to the list of clients and tap on the client you wish to add to, tap on the Target Behavior box an "x" will appear. Clear it by tapping the "x". Now type in whatever new behavior you wish to observe. Click "Done" on the keyboard and then tap "New Behavior". This will create a new client entry with specified Target Behavior. To verify, click Clients button at the top left of the screen which will take you back to the list of clients, and you will see a second entry for the desired client.
If you were not able to find the solutions you were looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us by using our contact form, or giving us a call at 214.707.7792
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!Observe Prime Basic Tutorial